Fibrolamellar Carcinoma

 Uncommon malignant hepatocellular tumor

• Also known as fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
image Distinct clinical, histopathologic, and imaging features differentiate it from conventional HCC


• Heterogeneously enhancing, large, lobulated mass with hypointense central scar and radial septa
image Calcification and necrosis are common (> 50%)

image Nodal metastases (> 50%)

image Vary from 5-20 cm (mean: 13 cm)

image “Satellite” nodules are often present

• Slow-growing tumor that usually arises in normal (noncirrhotic) liver

• Better prognosis than conventional HCC but still locally invasive and frequently metastatic


• Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH)

• Conventional HCC

• Hepatic cavernous hemangioma

• Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma


• FLC simulates FNH due to presence of central scar in both tumors
image FLC: Bigger, more heterogeneous mass frequently with calcified central/eccentric scar and features of malignancy (vessel &/or biliary obstruction, nodal invasion, and lung metastases)

image Scar on T2WI: Hypointense in FLC,  hyperintense in FNH

• Large, heterogeneous, hypervascular tumor in young adult

(Left) Axial graphic shows a large, heterogeneous, hypervascular mass with a central scar and porta hepatis lymphadenopathy image.

(Right) Axial CECT in a 15-year-old boy shows a large, heterogeneous, hypervascular mass image with a large, calcified central scar image and cardiophrenic lymphadenopathy image. In a young person, these findings are essentially diagnostic of fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC)

(Left) Axial CECT of a 22-year-old man with abdominal discomfort and a palpable mass shows a large, heterogeneous, lobulated mass image with a large central scar containing foci of calcification image. Scar calcification is very rare in focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), by comparison.

(Right) Gross pathology of the same patient’s resected tumor shows a well-demarcated, lobulated, heterogeneous tumor with bile staining and central or eccentric fibrous scars image, typical features of FLC.



• Fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC) of liver


• Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma


• Uncommon malignant hepatocellular tumor
image Distinct clinical, histopathologic, and imaging features differentiate it from conventional hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)


General Features

• Best diagnostic clue
image Heterogeneously enhancing, large, lobulated mass with hypointense central scar and radial septa

• Location
image Intrahepatic (80%)

image Pedunculated (20%)

• Size
image 5-20 cm (mean: 13 cm)

• Key concepts
image Slow-growing tumor that usually arises in normal (noncirrhotic) liver
– May occur with underlying cirrhosis (< 5% of cases)

image “Satellite” nodules are often present

image Characteristic microscopic pattern
– Eosinophilic malignant hepatocytes containing prominent nuclei

image Absence of pathologic markers (e.g., inclusions of α-fetoprotein bodies) that are present in conventional HCC

image Better prognosis than conventional HCC but still locally invasive and frequently metastatic

CT Findings

image Mass
– Well-defined contour

– Hypoattenuating and heterogeneous

image Central scar and septa: Markedly hypodense

image Calcification and necrosis are common (> 50%)

image Hemorrhage is rarely seen

image Arterial phase
– Mass: Heterogeneous and hyperattenuating (80%)

image Portal phase
– Mass: Iso-/hypoattenuating

image Delayed phase (10 min)
– Mass: Isodense

– Scar and septa: Hyperdense

image Malignant features
– Biliary and vessel invasion

– Nodal metastases (> 50%)
image Porta hepatis and cardiophrenic nodes

– Lung metastases

MR Findings

• T1WI
image Mass: Heterogeneous and slightly hypointense

image Scar and septa: Hypointense

• T2WI
image Mass: Heterogeneous and hyperintense

image Scar and septa: Hypointense

• T1WI C+
image Arterial and portal phases
– Intense heterogeneous enhancement of mass, not scar

image Delayed phase
– Mass: More homogeneous enhancement

– Scar and septa: Delayed partial enhancement

Ultrasonographic Findings

• Grayscale ultrasound
image Mass
– Large, solitary, well defined, and lobulated

– Variable echotexture

image Central scar: Hyperechoic

Angiographic Findings

• Conventional
image Mass
– Hypervascular (neovascularity)

– Enlarged feeding arteries

– Dense tumor blush

– No arterial-venous or arterial-portal shunting

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Nov 16, 2016 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Fibrolamellar Carcinoma

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