Chest Trauma: Blunt Aortic and Cardiac Trauma

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Chest Trauma: Blunt Aortic and Cardiac Trauma

Fig. 38.1 Chest radiograph demonstrates typical findings associated with aortic injury: downward displacement of the left mainstem bronchus (a), right sided displacement of the esophagus with nasogastric tube shifted to…

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Penetrating Abdominal Trauma

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Penetrating Abdominal Trauma

Fig. 36.1 A 23 year-old male presents with pain after sustaining a gunshot wound to the upper abdomen. (a) Post contrast computed tomography (CT) shows the tract of the bullet;…

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The Pregnant Trauma Patient

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on The Pregnant Trauma Patient

Fig. 43.1 (a) Transverse image from a pelvic ultrasound (US) shows a normal-appearing placenta (asterisk). (b) In a different patient, the US shows a focal hemorrhage (arrows) within the placenta…

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Vascular Trauma

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Vascular Trauma

Penetrating injury Contrast extravasation or false aneurysm formation Adventitial or medial tear without an intimal injury Blood flow deviation due to large hematoma, or vascular spasm Blunt injury Caused by…

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Intra-abdominal Hypertension

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Intra-abdominal Hypertension

Fig. 33.1 Radiograph of a gasless abdomen and elevated right hemidiaphragm (black arrow) Ultrasound Ultrasound cannot rule intra-abdominal hypertension out. However, a useful indicator of increased intraabdominal pressure is elevated…

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Acute Kidney Injury

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Acute Kidney Injury

Fig. 31.1 (a) Ultrasound of right kidney shows dilated pelvicalyceal system in keeping with hydronephrosis. (b) Fluoroscopic image following insertion of a percutaneous nephrostomy shows contrast medium within the decompressed…

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Spinal Cord Injury

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Spinal Cord Injury

Fig. 41.1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging sagittal T2 through the cervical spine demonstrating traumatic disc protrusions (solid black arrow), long segment cord edema (open arrow), focal cord hemorrhage, and extensive posterior…

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Large Volume Diarrhea

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Large Volume Diarrhea

Fig. 34.1 Intraoperative photograph of colon resection for C. difficile associated disease Fig. 34.2 Resected specimen of total abdominal colectomy for C. difficile induced toxic megacolon Imaging Techniques Abdominal imaging…

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Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Angiography

Fig. 5.1 Digital subtraction angiography. A mask image (a) is obtained, contrast medium administered (b) and a subtracted image (c) produced to highlight (in this case) the superficial femoral artery…

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MRI Practicalities

Aug 21, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on MRI Practicalities

Pulse oximetry MR safe pulse oximeters have fibreoptic probe connections Standard probes can cause burns from induced currents ECG MR safe ECG electrodes must be placed in a narrow triangle…

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