How to Use the INTRABEAM System

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on How to Use the INTRABEAM System Control Console The XRS is powered by this component. The control console receives instructions from the user terminal to perform QC and treatment tasks. It executes them, monitors them…

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Other Applications of INTRABEAM®

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Other Applications of INTRABEAM®

Fig. 12.1 Various (spherical, needle, cylindrical) applicators for the INTRABEAM system 12.2 Surgical Applications Between January 2008 and July 2011, a total of 223 IORT procedures were performed in Mannheim,…

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Case Reports

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Case Reports

Fig. 15.1 Chest x-ray of the patient showing the pacemaker in situ and the approximate position of the breast cancer Fig. 15.2 Mammogram (mediolateral view) showing the pacemaker. The breast…

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Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Radiobiology

Fig. 6.1 Cell survival curves representing early-reacting/high α/β (e.g. tumour, mucosa) and late-reacting/low α/β (e.g. brain, lung, breast) tissues have a different shape. At low doses (A) there is relatively…

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Health Economics of TARGIT

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Health Economics of TARGIT

, Stephen Morris2 and Michael Alvarado2 (1) Division of Surgery and Intervention Science, Department of Surgery, University College London, London, UK (2) Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, University of California,…

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Radiation Protection

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Radiation Protection

Radiation source Energy Radium-226 830 keV Caesium-137 662 keV Iridium-192 380 keV Electron linacs 4–12 MeV INTRABEAM 50 kV Values are the average energy of the radionuclides (Khan 2003), or…

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Patient Selection and Information

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Patient Selection and Information

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Age ≥45 yearsa No informed consent T1-2 (≤3.5 cma; mammography, ultrasound) Non-compliance cN0 (examination, ultrasound) Age <45 yearsa Histopathology: ductal-invasive Tumour size >3.5 cm Unifocal cN+…

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