Quality Assurance and Commissioning

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Quality Assurance and Commissioning

(1) Fig. 4.1 Measurements of depth dose for probe only and applicator, with best fit lines overlaid Baseline readings are also acquired during factory calibration for the IRM feedback monitor…

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Treating Patients with TARGIT

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Treating Patients with TARGIT

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Age ≥45a years No informed consent T1–2 (≤2.0a cm; mammography, ultrasound) Non-compliance cN0 (examination, ultrasound) Age <45a years Histopathology: ductal-invasive Tumour size >2.0a cm Unifocal cN+…

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Cosmetic Outcome Following TARGIT

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Cosmetic Outcome Following TARGIT

Fig. 10.1 Examples of assessment using BCCT.core Although patient-reported outcome measures are increasingly used and quality of life is a key measure of clinical effectiveness, the measures used fall short…

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Mechanism of Action of TARGIT

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Mechanism of Action of TARGIT

Fig. 2.1 TARGIT impairs the proliferative activity of wound fluids from breast cancer patients. This figure shows the colony formation assay. In (a), MCF-7 breast cancer cells were included in…

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