Ocular Lymphoma
Fig. 42.1 In the MIP reconstruction, the endorbitary formation is masked by physiological brain glucose consumption. Focal lesions in other parts of the body are not detected Related posts: Laryngeal Squamous…
Fig. 42.1 In the MIP reconstruction, the endorbitary formation is masked by physiological brain glucose consumption. Focal lesions in other parts of the body are not detected Related posts: Laryngeal Squamous…
Fig. 16.1 MIP image demonstrates the persistence of high metabolism of the hepatic lesion in the fifth segment. The other two secondary nodules do not appear in MIP reconstruction because they…
Fig. 22.1 The MIP image shows intense FDG deposition in an esophageal coarse lesion with mediastinal involvement. The use of PET-CT coronal reconstruction allows the definition of the precise location of…
Fig. 19.1 At the peri-anastomotic bowel loops, adjacent to the metal clips, CT-PET shows a heterogeneously hypodense portion of tissue, which has negligible carbohydrate consumption. It is associated with intense and…
Fig. 15.1 Multiple subcentimetric hepatic nodules Major ascites. Subcentimetric pulmonary nodule in the left anterior basal segment, with low metabolism, SUV max 0.8 (Fig. 15.2). Fig. 15.2 Subcentimetric pulmonary nodule in the left…
Fig. 20.1 In the celiac-mesenteric intercavo-aortic region, CT-PET demonstrates a solid mass with parenchymal density, uneven with irregular margins, not separable from the surrounding structures and characterized by limited concentration of…
Fig. 14.1 MIP image: presence of slight and widespread increase in the glucose consumption of the axial skeleton, typical of bone marrow rebound Modest increase in metabolism in the lower rectum-anus…
Fig. 17.1 The PET-CT examination demonstrates modest thickening tissue with high carbohydrate metabolism in correspondence of the rectal anastomosis adjacent to the metal clips, in contiguity with the posterior wall of…
Fig. 7.1 The MIP image documents the presence of lymph node metastases. There are not secondary lesions in any other organs or systems Fig. 7.2 In correspondence with the lateral triangle of…
Fig. 2.1 Mild focal glucose uptake in two hepatic nodules, both due to local recurrence Fig. 2.2 Hepatic nodule at the hilum Some abdominal centimetric nodules due to carcinosis are found, showing…