Zygomatic Spinalioma and Synchronous Pulmonary Neoplasm
Fig. 8.1 Diffuse thickening of the laryngeal mucosa, with no solid focal nodular lesions seen Fig. 8.2 CT scans show a diffuse thickening of the laryngeal mucosa, with no solid focal nodular…
Fig. 8.1 Diffuse thickening of the laryngeal mucosa, with no solid focal nodular lesions seen Fig. 8.2 CT scans show a diffuse thickening of the laryngeal mucosa, with no solid focal nodular…
Fig. 3.1 The PET scan shows loco-regional recurrence of disease in the right parotid area with metachronous lung cancer The MIP image demonstrates the intense metabolism of the right ear-parotid nodule…
Fig. 11.1 The PET demonstrates the high carbohydrate metabolism of both masses (arrows) No other focal lesions. Histological re-evaluation needed. CT: massive submandibular solid, patchy lymph node swelling with irregular margins,…
Fig. 13.1 Sagittal CT-PET reconstruction: in correspondence of the rectal anastomosis, at the level of the metal clips, solid, inhomogeneous tissue which has no pathological glucose consumption can be seen. This…
Fig. 10.1 MIP image: pathological glucose consumption in the left mandible. Absence of focal lesions with a high metabolism in other parts of the body indicating a recurrence of disease Fig. 10.2…
Fig. 1.1 MIP image with different intensities of printing: The pathological FDG concentration of the mass is masked by the physiological renal excretion Related posts: Laryngeal Squamous Carcinoma: Staging Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma:…
Fig. 12.1 CT shows a heterogeneously hypodense nodular thickening of the subcutaneous tissues at the jugular region, that the PET shows to have a high metabolism of glucose Related posts: Laryngeal…
Fig. 6.1 At the CT scan, a coarse solid mass extending to the right beyond the median raphe and the floor of the mouth can be seen. It is associated with…
Fig. 5.1 Satellite lesion 5.4 Conclusions The FDG PET shows high concentration of the subglottic cancer. Absence of lesions characterized by abnormal metabolism in the remaining parts of the body examined….
Fig. 4.1 The PET-CT scan shows a hypodense mass below the aryepiglottic fold that is expressed partly in the lumen and has relationships with the lower left horn of the thyroid…