KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS One of the most common and usually benign fetal brain tetralogy pathology. Easily detected due to its obvious anechoic appearance at places that…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS One of the most common and usually benign fetal brain tetralogy pathology. Easily detected due to its obvious anechoic appearance at places that…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS A wide variety of congenital anomalies can affect the cerebellum. The antenatal findings overlap among different pathologies and normal variants. Consequently, a specific…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS Anomalies of ventral induction of the fetal brain include a group of conditions that share in common an anomalous process of cleavage of…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS Sonographic evaluation of the vertebral column and the spine is a requirement of almost all governing bodies. Starting the 13th postmenstrual weeks it…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS Depending on geographic factors, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and toxoplasmosis are the more frequent intrauterine infections (IUIs). The pattern of brain involvement in CMV-IUI may…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are rare disorders, most of them only present after delivery. Several IEMs may affect the fetus, producing congenital…
12.1 AMNIOTIC BAND SYNDROME Print Section Listen EPIDEMIOLOGY/GENETICS Definition Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) is a rare spectrum of congenital anomalies caused by entanglement of fetal parts, or disruption of anatomic…
9.1 CYTOMEGALIC INCLUSION DISEASE Print Section Listen EPIDEMIOLOGY/GENETICS Definition Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a large, enveloped DNA herpesvirus. Adult infection is frequently asymptomatic, but fetal infection may cause severe damage to…
KEY POINTS Print Section Listen KEY POINTS The embryonic period (the first 8 postfertilizational weeks) is subdivided into 23 morphological stages, which, because they are based on internal as well…
ABDOMEN Print Section Listen Note: Items in bold represent most common diagnosis. ABDOMINAL CYST OR FLUID COLLECTION Dilated bladder Dilated bowel Hydroureter Ovarian cyst (in females) Renal cystic lesions, particularly…