Conducting and Publishing Research
10 Conducting and Publishing Research Andrea S. Doria, Peter J. Strouse, and Thomasin Adams-Webber Learning Objectives • To provide the basis for conducting research and publishing results in scientific journals…
10 Conducting and Publishing Research Andrea S. Doria, Peter J. Strouse, and Thomasin Adams-Webber Learning Objectives • To provide the basis for conducting research and publishing results in scientific journals…
1 Overview of Research Designs Applied to Radiology Andreas Roposch and Andrea S. Doria Learning Objectives • To provide an overview of available research designs in clinical research focusing on…
7 Systematic Reviews, Evidence-Based Imaging, and Knowledge Translation Andrea S. Doria, Jennifer Stinson, and Prakeshkumar Shah 1973: “It is surely a great criticism of our profession that we have not…
9 Costs and Consequences: Economic Evaluation in Radiology Wendy J. Ungar and Richard M. Zur Learning Objectives • To provide a basic understanding of the principles of economic evaluation. •…
11 Obtaining Ethics Approval, Data Management, and Budget Formulation Ravi Menezes, Yasser Karimzad, and Tuula Kalliomäki Learning Objective The objective of this chapter is to introduce interested but inexperienced researchers…
Related posts: Obtaining Ethics Approval, Data Management, and Budget Formulation Costs and Consequences: Economic Evaluation in Radiology Sample Size Estimation Descriptive Statistics Linear and Logistic Regression Measurements: Validity, Reliability, and…
5 Observational Designs Marinka Twilt, Ivan R. Diamond, and Susanne M. Benseler Learning Objectives • To understand what is meant by observational design. • To understand the difference between retrospective…
6 Randomized Controlled Trials Ivan R. Diamond and Brian M. Feldman Learning Objectives • To understand the distinction between experimental and nonexperimental designs. • To understand what is meant by…
Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Suprahyoid Neck Axial 1 Normal Anatomy Note the enhancement of the mucosal surfaces of the aerodigestive tract on the lower magnetic resonance (MR) image in Axial…