Localizing lesions
CHAPTER 2 Localizing lesions 2.1 The lungs 18 2.2 The heart 21 2.1 The lungs This pair of films shows a right upper zone mass lesion. The PA film shows…
CHAPTER 2 Localizing lesions 2.1 The lungs 18 2.2 The heart 21 2.1 The lungs This pair of films shows a right upper zone mass lesion. The PA film shows…
CHAPTER 11 The hidden abnormality 11.1 Pancoast’s tumour 154 11.2 Hiatus hernia 156 11.3 Air under the diaphragm 158 11.1 Pancoast’s tumour At first glance it may be hard to…
CHAPTER 7 The abnormal heart shadow 7.1 Atrial septal defect 130 7.2 Mitral stenosis 132 7.3 Left ventricular aneurysm 134 7.4 Pericardial effusion 136 7.1 Atrial septal defect (ASD) This…
CHAPTER 1 How to look at a chest X-ray 1.1 Basic interpretation is easy 2 1.2 Technical quality 4 1.3 Scanning the PA film 10 1.4 How to look at…
CHAPTER 10 Abnormal soft tissues Surgical emphysema 150 Surgical emphysema This is the film of a young asthmatic patient who presented with chest pain. The film was taken to look…
CHAPTER 9 Abnormal ribs 9.1 Rib fractures 144 9.2 Metastatic deposits 146 9.1 Rib fractures Note how there is increased whiteness over the left side of the chest. On close…
CHAPTER 6 The abnormal hilum 6.1 Unilateral hilar enlargement 122 6.2 Bilateral hilar enlargement 126 6.1 Unilateral hilar enlargement This patient has a bulky right hilum. The contour of the…
CHAPTER 8 The widened mediastinum The widened mediastinum 140 This is the film of a patient with a descending thoracic aortic aneurysm. The mediastinum is widened to the left of…
Measurement of Absorbed Dose 8.1. Radiation Absorbed Dose In Chapter 6, the quantity exposure and its unit, the roentgen (C/kg), were discussed. It was then pointed out that exposure applies…
Electron Beam Therapy High-energy electrons have been used in radiation therapy since the early 1950s. Originally, the beams were extracted mostly from betatrons, although a few linear accelerators and Van…