Monte Carlo Simulation for an Optical Microscope
(3.1) where N(d) is the number of the unscattered photons at depth d, and N(0) is the number of incident photons [3]. For a given number of photons incident to…
(3.1) where N(d) is the number of the unscattered photons at depth d, and N(0) is the number of incident photons [3]. For a given number of photons incident to…
(8.1) where α 2p is a 2p fluorescence coefficient, and I 2p and I ex are, respectively, the intensity of the incident and the fluorescence light at the focal region….
Fig. 7.1 Schematic diagram of modelling the image of a fluorescent edge and the definition of transverse resolution The signal level η is defined as the number of fluorescence photons generated…
Fig. 2.1 Scattered intensity distribution around a dielectric particle (n = 1.51) of different radii: a a = 0.05 µm, and b a = 1 µm. The solid and dotted curves correspond to the S and P polarization states…
Fig. 6.1 Experimental reflection scanning optical microscope with differential polarization-gating mechanism. A aperture, B beamsplitter, DT detector, L lens, LP polariser, O objective, P pinhole. Reprinted with permission from [1], 1998,…
Fig. 5.1 Angular-temporal photon distribution of a 20-fs ultrashort pulsed beam propagating through a turbid slab (l s = 40 μm, d/l s = 4). The time t is a local time, so t = 0 corresponds to…
Fig. 9.1 Images of a circular ring of inner radius 35 μm and outer radius 50 μm at different depths in the turbid medium: a d = 100 μm; b d = 150 μm; c d = 200 μm; d d = 250 μm. Reprinted…
Fig. 1.1 Photon propagation within turbid media. For a clear description, the three components are depicted separately: a unscattered photons; b snake photons; c multiply scattered photons 1.1.2 Physical Properties of…
Fig. 4.1 Schematic diagram of a scanning optical microscope. An EPSF in the focal plane is schematically illustrated. A sample includes a turbid medium and an object. Reprinted with permission from…