Imaging of Gastrointestinal Tract Perforation in the Oncologic Patients
Fig. 15.1 Axial post-contrast medium CT scan shows the ascending colon thickening (white arrows) and surrounded by a pericolic fat inflammation associated with dense fluid and air bubbles (white arrow…
Imaging of Gastrointestinal Tract Perforation in the Pediatric Patient
Fig. 13.1 The radiography shows both football sign, as oval-shaped peritoneal gas, and Rigler sign (arrow) Fig. 13.2 Triangle sign: triangular gas pockets between loops of bowel (arrows) are seen…
Role of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Acute Peritonitis Due to Gastrointestinal Perforation
Fig. 16.1 Contrast-enhanced axial scans (a–d). Ulcer of the anterior bulb of the duodenum (red arrow), perforated in the peritoneal cavity. Signs of peritonitis are air in the lesser sac,…
Colorectal Perforation: Assessment with MDCT
Fig. 9.1 Expansive solid lesion of the descending colon with free small air bubbles near the lesion (arrow) and pneumoperitoneum (curved arrow) Fig. 9.2 Modest quote of pneumoperitoneum between intestinal…
Acute Perforated Diverticulitis: Spectrum of MDCT Findings
Fig. 8.1 Diverticular microperforation: little amount of free air associated with thickening of the sigmoid wall, diverticular pouch and perivisceral signs (mild, fuzzy hyperdensity and stranding of pericolic tissue, arrows)…
Pneumoretroperitoneum: Imaging Findings
Penetrating trauma Blunt traumatic rupture of the duodenum Pelvic trauma with perforation of the rectum Postoperative Post-diagnostic procedure Spontaneous colon perforation Extension from pneumomediastinum Gas-containing retroperitoneal abscess Duodenal perforation is…
Ultrasonographic Assessment of Gastrointestinal Perforation
Fig. 3.1 Sites of free intraperitoneal air in the abdomen on US examination (Modified from Beyer and Modder [21]) 3.2.1 US of Pneumoperitoneum Free air in abdominal cavity can give…
MDCT Imaging of Blunt Traumatic Bowel and Colonic Perforation
Fig. 10.1 A 24-year-old male patient admitted to the emergency department after a blunt abdominal trauma (motor vehicle accident). (a) Plain film radiograph, upright view, shows scarce amount of air…