Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery
Authors Year No. of cases Approach Patient population Pathology Percent of patients with GTR (%) Mortality (%) Major morbidity (%) Permanent minor morbidity (%) Hoffman et al. [8] 1983 61…
Authors Year No. of cases Approach Patient population Pathology Percent of patients with GTR (%) Mortality (%) Major morbidity (%) Permanent minor morbidity (%) Hoffman et al. [8] 1983 61…
Fig. 34.1 Midsagittal section demonstrating the anatomy of the pineal region. Labeled structures include the pineal body (PB), the subforniceal organ (SFO), choroid plexus (CP), area postrema (AP), neurohypophysis (NH),…
First author Patients FU length Lesion location Clinical presentation Annual bleeding risk Comment Robinson [7] (1991) 66 patients 26 months Supratentorial: 55 patients Seizures: 34 patients 0.7 % per lesion…
Class Original RTOG definition Median survival (months) Two-year survival (%) RTOG EORTC/NCIC RTOG EORTC/NCIC I Age <50, AA, normal mental status 58.6 n/a 76 n/a II Age ≥50, KPS 70–100,…
Description Points Size <3 cm 1 3–6 cm 2 >6 cm 3 Eloquence Yes 1 No 0 Deep venous drainage Yes 1 No 0 Reprinted from Spetzler RF, Martin NA….
Fig. 51.1 Selected (a) axial FLAIR, (b) coronal T1 postcontrast, and (c) sagittal T1 MRI scans of a 31-year-old female medical student who presented with four clinical hemorrhages resulting in…
As part of a current and continuing national trend to develop centers for neuroscience care, radiosurgery programs are and will be a “hot” topic for the next several years. Radiosurgery…
Fig. 39.1 (a, b) Preoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI (a axial view, b coronal view) demonstrating a glomus jugulare tumor in the right jugular foramen (white arrow). An extended far lateral…
No. of patients Median follow-up (months) BNI I–III relief (%) Time to pain relief Median dose (Gy) Recurrence rate (%) Complication rate (%) Chen et al. [11] (Kaiser Los…
Fig. 58.1 Hypothalamic hamartomas topological classification. The exact location of the lesion in relation to the interpeduncular fossa and the walls of the third ventricle correlates with the extent of…