Image Analysis
Fig. 3.1 Muscle fiber anatomy: cross-sectional illustration Muscles have an origin, a belly, and an insertion. The origin and insertion attachment sites can be multiple including bones, cartilage, ligaments, and…
Fig. 3.1 Muscle fiber anatomy: cross-sectional illustration Muscles have an origin, a belly, and an insertion. The origin and insertion attachment sites can be multiple including bones, cartilage, ligaments, and…
Fig. 5.1 The development of erosive disease and synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis The advent of new treatments for RA (termed “biologics”) in the late 1990s along with a more intensive…
Fig. 6.1 Normal anatomy of the sacroiliac joint, (a) anterior and (b) posterior ligaments of the sacrum and sacroiliac joint, (c) axial through right sacroiliac joint demonstrating normal interdigitations of…
Fig. 1.1 Illustration X-ray production X-rays are attenuated as they pass through the human body; in general the denser the material, the greater the attenuation. The attenuated beam emerges from…
Mechanical Degenerative disc Degenerative joint disease Vertebral fracture Spondylosis Muscle strain Neurogenic Herniated disc Spinal stenosis Rheumatologic Inflammatory spondylitis DISH Fibromyalgia Neoplastic/infiltrative Benign/Malignant, metastatic Infection Spondylodiscitis Osteomyelitis Referred visceral pain…
Endocrine disease (hyperparathyroidism, Cushing’s disease, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism) Chronic renal failure (secondary hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia, adynamic bone disease) Gastrointestinal disease (malabsorption syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, post-gastric bypass) Rheumatologic disease (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic…
Fig. 9.1 A 50-year-old male with CRF on long-term hemodialysis with right ankle swelling secondary to amyloid arthropathy. (a) AP, (b) mortise view, and (c) lateral radiographs demonstrate well-defined erosions…
Clinical criteria Immunologic criteria 1. Acute cutaneous lupus 1. ANA 2. Chronic cutaneous lupus 2. Double-stranded DNA 3. Oral or nasal ulcers 3. Anti-SM 4. Non-scarring alopecia 4. Antiphospholipid antibody…
Fig. 10.1 Development and progression of osteoarthritis The subchondral region bone plate is located deep to the articular surface, separated only by a thin layer of calcified articular cartilage (Fig….
0–9 years 10–19 years 20–29 years 30+ years Ewing sarcoma Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Myeloma Osteosarcoma Ewing sarcoma Chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcoma Primary lymphoma Primary lymphoma Ewing sarcoma Osteosarcoma Primary lymphoma Primary lymphoma MFH/fibrosarcoma…