Neck Masses
NASOPHARYNGEAL MASSES KEY FACTS Most common tumors: squamous cell carcinoma (>80%), adenocarcinoma, minor salivary gland tumors, and lymphoma. It is not clear if tobacco and alcohol use…
Intra-Axial Tumors
ASTROCYTOMA, LOW GRADE KEY FACTS Account for 10% to 30% of cerebral gliomas in adults. Histologically, low-grade astrocytomas are fibrillary (diffuse), and over 80% eventually degenerate to…
Infections and Inflammations
MENINGITIS (UNCOMPLICATED) KEY FACTS Common causative organisms include Escherichia coli (E. coli) and streptococcus group B (newborns), Hemophilus (H. influenzae) (children <7 years), Neisseria (N. meningitides) (older children…
Congenital Malformations
AQUEDUCTAL STENOSIS KEY FACTS Accounts for 20% ofallhydrocephalus cases; generally presents in infancy but may manifest at any time. This spectrum of disorders includes congenital narrowing of…
Tumors and Tumorlike Conditions
VERTEBRAL METASTASES KEY FACTS Vertebral métastases occur in 5% to 10% of all cancer patients, especially those with primary tumors in the breast, prostate, uterus, and lung; myeloma;…
Degenerative and Latrogenic Disorders
PANTOTHENATE KINASE DEFICIENCY (HALLERVORDEN-SPATZ SYNDROME) KEY FACTS Rare autosomal recessive disorder (abnormal gene: 20pl3); deficiency of pantothenate kinase leading to accumulation of cysteine, free radicals, and iron deposition….
Degenerative Disease
ANNULAR FISSURES KEY FACTS Most are found in the lumbar spine of middle-aged and older adults but may occur at any age. They are seen as small…
Sinonasal Cavities
CHOANAL NARROWING KEY FACTS Can be of two types: stenosis and atresia (note: severe stenosis behaves clinically like atresia), further subdivided into bony or soft tissue (plugs); for…