Fig. 21.1 Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan through the level of the ventricles. Fig. 21.2 (A) Axial T2WI through the level of the ventricles. (B) Postcontrast axial gradient echo T1WI sequence…
Fig. 96.1 Coronal T2WI through the anterior commissure. Fig. 96.2 Axial FLAIR image through the hypothalamus. Fig. 96.3 Postcontrast axial T1WI sequence through the level of the hypothalamus. Fig. 96.4…
Fig. 22.2 Axial FLAIR sequence at the level of basal ganglia. Fig. 22.3 DWI image. Fig. 22.4 Axial GRE image through the same level as that in Fig 22.2. Fig….
Fig. 59.1 Axial T2WI through the medulla at the level of olive. Fig. 59.2 Axial postcontrast T1-weighted sequence through the same level. Fig. 59.3 Coronal FLAIR image through the level…
Fig. 60.1 Axial non-enhanced CT scan of the head through the level of the lateral ventricle. Fig. 60.2 Axial T2WI of the brain through the same level. Fig. 60.3 Axial…