Prevention of Injury from Pelvic Irradiation
Fig. 4.1 Representative axial slices showing isodose distributions for two planes for an (a, c) IMRT and (b, d) 3D-CRT plan. The central (high dose) isodose line is more conformal…
Fig. 4.1 Representative axial slices showing isodose distributions for two planes for an (a, c) IMRT and (b, d) 3D-CRT plan. The central (high dose) isodose line is more conformal…
Mechanism Explanation Clinical example Comments Spatial cooperation Working on different anatomical regions of the body to improve outcome without additive toxicity RT in SCLC Chemotherapy does not cross blood brain…
Fig. 10.1 PNEN macroscopic appearance. Intraoperative and surgical speciments of four nonfunctional PNENs show (a) a small mass bulging on the serosal surface (arrows), (b) a small, round, purple mass…
Fig. 11.1 Distribution of ductal adenocarcinoma in the pancreas Practical Pearls The location of the tumor in the pancreas determines its route of spread and the nodal groups involved. A…
Fig. 8.1 Illustration of the different types of IPMNs. (a) Side-branch duct-type. (b) Multifocal branch duct-type. (c) Main pancreatic duct-type. (d) Combined-type IPMNs are classified according to their origin Branch…
Fig. 6.1 Serous cystadenomas macroscopic appearance. Photographs of four resected gross specimens (a–d) show the characteristic lobulated smooth surface of these multicystic masses Fig. 6.2 Fluid characteristics in serous cystadenoma….
Fig. 16.1 Pancreatic pseudocysts, gross appearance. Intraoperative photograph of a pancreatic pseudocyst (a) and photograph of a gross specimen after Whipple procedure (b) show irregular, bulging cystic masses located in…
Fig. 14.1 Interstitial edematous pancreatitis, gross and histologic appearance. In situ photographs (a, b) in a patient with interstitial edematous pancreatitis showing an irregular area of hemorrhage infiltrating the peripancreatic…
Fig. 13.1 Solitary fibrous tumor of the pancreas. A 45-year-old male patient with history of epigastric discomfort. Ultrasound transverse (a, b) images show a hypoechoic mass in the pancreatic head…
Fig. 15.1 Chronic pancreatitis, macroscopic appearance. Intraoperative photograph (a) shows a small, fibrotic pancreas (arrows), and specimen photograph (b) shows an enlarged, firm pancreas (arrows) Fig. 15.2 Chronic pancreatitis, macroscopic…