Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome
Abstract Zika virus is a novel mosquito-born virus that causes a broad range of fetal neurologic damage when maternal infection occurs in pregnancy. The effects can be similar to other…
Abstract Zika virus is a novel mosquito-born virus that causes a broad range of fetal neurologic damage when maternal infection occurs in pregnancy. The effects can be similar to other…
Abstract This chapter reviews basic physics principles behind medical ultrasound (US). Six components are discussed: the stimulus (the US pulse), the object (the human body), the object’s response to the…
Abstract Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a serious condition that complicates roughly 8% to 15% of monochorionic, diamniotic twin pregnancies. Although the pathophysiology of TTTS remains incompletely understood, intertwin vascular…
Abstract Parvovirus B19 is a single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) virus that has the potential for transplacental transmission in susceptible mothers. Congenital infection has been associated with severe fetal anemia, myocarditis,…
Abstract Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence is a rare complication specific to monochorionic twin pregnancies in which a dysmorphic acardiac fetus receives circulatory support from a pump twin via…
Abstract The number of multiple pregnancies has exponentially increased in the last several decades mainly as a result of women delaying childbearing until they are of advanced maternal age and…
Abstract The term dichorionic refers to a multiple gestation with two distinct placental disks (or two chorions); the term diamniotic describes a pregnancy with two distinct amniotic cavities. Either monozygotic…
Abstract Tuberous sclerosis is a disorder of cellular differentiation, proliferation, and migration in early development characterized by the formation of benign, harmartomatous lesions in virtually any organ system. Tuberous sclerosis…
Abstract Autosomal recessive pontocerebellar hypoplasia comprises a group of devastating neurodegenerative disorders that lead to severe motor and cognitive impairment. Life expectancy varies based on subtype and is unpredictable; few…
Abstract Monosomy for the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 5 causes 5p deletion syndrome, which is also known by the currently less favored term “cri du chat”…