Smoking-Related Lung Diseases
Introduction The deleterious effects of smoking tobacco have been established for decades and largely began with the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, which linked smoking to the development of bronchogenic carcinoma….
Introduction The deleterious effects of smoking tobacco have been established for decades and largely began with the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, which linked smoking to the development of bronchogenic carcinoma….
Introduction In many ways, the challenges related to occupational and environmental lung disease imaging reflect the challenges for all of radiology. The best imaging interpretation relies heavily on the appropriate…
Introduction Collagen vascular diseases (CVDs) are a heterogeneous group of immunologically mediated inflammatory disorders that may involve various organs. They often affect the lungs, mediastinum, and pleura, but the frequency…
▪ Introduction Primary lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide and accounts for more deaths than the next three malignancies combined—pancreatic, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer in men;…
Introduction and Background Although different in appearances on imaging, radiation and drug-induced lung diseases share several similarities. Both entities may present with a variety of appearances, both in the acute…
Introduction Eosinophilic lung diseases are characterized by the presence of pulmonary opacities and peripheral blood eosinophilia, tissue eosinophilia, or both. Eosinophils are leukocytes that are involved in immune defense and…
■ Introduction Certain diffuse lung diseases are associated with high- or low-attenuation lesions. High-attenuation lesions are most often due to calcium deposition from a variety of mechanisms, but can also…
Introduction Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an immunologically mediated lung disease that occurs in susceptible sensitized individuals following inhalational exposure to antigenic organic dust. As such, the antigenic material must be small…
▪ Introduction and Background: Considerations for Using MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important tool in imaging the mediastinum, chest wall, and chest vasculature, with a continuously expanding role….
Air Space Disease Acute Consolidation Air space consolidation results when alveoli are filled with material that attenuates the x-ray beam more than the surrounding lung parenchyma. When encountered in the…