9 – Nuclear Medicine Imaging
9 Nuclear Medicine Imaging Medical Devices and Artifacts Gagandeep Choudhary and Phillip Kuo Introduction Artifacts are common in nuclear medicine. It is good judgment to think of an artifact or…
9 Nuclear Medicine Imaging Medical Devices and Artifacts Gagandeep Choudhary and Phillip Kuo Introduction Artifacts are common in nuclear medicine. It is good judgment to think of an artifact or…
11 Medical Devices Legal, Regulatory, and Quality Assurance Considerations Pablo Gurman The views and conclusions expressed in this work are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those…
7 Dental Devices Tim B. Hunter and Rick Light Introduction Dental devices are not usually considered orthopedic devices. Dentists and orthopedic surgeons ordinarily do not operate on or treat the…
3 Fracture Fixation Tim B. Hunter Introduction Bone fractures can be complete or incomplete, simple or comminuted, closed or open. Comminuted fractures comprise more than two bone fragments, and open…
1 Radiologic Guide to Orthopedic Devices and Miscellaneous Foreign Bodies An Introduction Tim B. Hunter There are a large number of medical devices visible on everyday radiographs and on cross-sectional…
2 Biomaterials An Overview Tim B. Hunter and Pablo Gurman Introduction Historical Overview of Materials The history of mankind has been marked by the evolving use of natural and man-made…
Blunt trauma accounts for more than 95% of traumatic renal injury and results from shear forces from rapid acceleration or deceleration and/or collision against the spine or ribs. The use…
Acute pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the renal parenchyma and collecting system. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings of fever, flank pain, and urinary tract infection. Computed tomography findings…
An introduction to the expanding modality of contrast-enhanced ultrasound is provided, along with basics on contrast agents and technique. The contrast ultrasound findings of multiple renal tumors are reviewed with…
Based on Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results studies, most renal cancers are low grade and slow growing. Long-term, single-center studies show excellent outcomes for T1a renal cell carcinoma (RCC), comparable…