Trachea: Benign and Malignant Tumors

May 14, 2017 by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING Comments Off on Trachea: Benign and Malignant Tumors

Trachea: Benign and Malignant Tumors ANTHONY A. MANCUSO, WILLIAM O. COLLINS, AND WILLIAM M. MENDENHALL KEY POINTS Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are critical to the treatment planning for…

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Parotid Noninfectious Inflammatory Conditions

May 14, 2017 by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING Comments Off on Parotid Noninfectious Inflammatory Conditions

PAROTID NONINFECTIOUS INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS ANTHONY A. MANCUSO KEY POINTS Imaging, especially computed tomography, sometimes provides critical information in the management of parotid inflammatory pathology by distinguishing infectious and noninfectious etiologies….

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Prestyloid Parapharyngeal Space Masses

May 14, 2017 by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING Comments Off on Prestyloid Parapharyngeal Space Masses

PRESTYLOID PARAPHARYNGEAL SPACE MASSES ANTHONY A. MANCUSO KEY POINTS All masses presenting submucosally around the pharynx or presenting in the deep face should be imaged before they are biopsied. Imaging…

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Oropharynx: Introduction

May 14, 2017 by in HEAD & NECK IMAGING Comments Off on Oropharynx: Introduction

OROPHARYNX: INTRODUCTION ANTHONY A. MANCUSO AND ROBERT HERMANS IMAGING APPROACH Techniques and Relevant Aspects General Examination Technique Patients should be positioned with the neck extended so that the mandibular body…

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