Imaging of Basketball Injuries
Fig. 7.1 A 19-year-old Division I female basketball player with acute tear of the anterior cruciate ligament. Sagittal (a) proton density-weighted and (b) STIR MRI through the affected knee demonstrate…
Fig. 7.1 A 19-year-old Division I female basketball player with acute tear of the anterior cruciate ligament. Sagittal (a) proton density-weighted and (b) STIR MRI through the affected knee demonstrate…
Fig. 6.1 Drawing illustrates the mechanism of injury for a lateral ankle sprain caused by inversion and internal rotation of the hindfoot coupled with external rotation of the lower leg…
Fig. 14.1 Biomechanics of the golf swing. Address position (a), takeaway (b), backswing-1 (c), backswing-2 (d), downswing (e), acceleration (f), follow-through-1 (g), follow-through-2 (h) The latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis…
Fig. 23.1 A 21-year-old female sprinter with calf pain who has a grade 2 tibial stress injury. (a) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted MRI of the calf shows periosteal edema along the…
Grade Pain Imaging findings Description I No Imaging evidence of stress fracture, no fracture line Asymptomatic stress fracture II Yes Imaging evidence of stress fracture, no fracture line Symptomatic stress…
Fig. 4.1 A 25-year-old man with clinical concern for a rotator cuff tear and bicipital tendinosis. Oblique coronal inversion-recovery (a) and intermediate-weighted (b) MRI of the shoulder demonstrate a subperiosteal…
Fig. 13.1 Grip techniques used in rock climbing. Closed cling grip (a), open cling grip (b), crack climbing (c), open grip (d), pinch grip (e), and pocket grip with one…
Fig. 17.1 Sagittal fat-suppressed T2- (a), T1- (b), and axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted (c) MRI of the lumbar spine show L5/S1 disc signal alteration with impingement of the intact posterior longitudinal…
Fig. 15.1 Phantom foot mechanism involves the skier off balance, falling backward, unweighting the uphill ski and loading the inside edge tail of the downhill ski which results in sudden…
Fig. 8.1 The kinetic chain demonstrating the stages of the bowling action including the run-up, back foot contact, energy transfer to front foot, front foot contact, and release (see text…