Hand and Wrist
Hand and Wrist Monique Reijnierse Nicole C. Fernandes INTRODUCTION The complex soft tissue structures of the hand and wrist are ideally suited for ultrasound examination. They are superficial and accessible….
Inflammatory Joint Diseases
Inflammatory Joint Diseases Michel Court-Payen Marcin Szkudlarek Ian Beggs INTRODUCTION Ultrasound is increasingly used as a diagnostic modality in joint imaging by radiologists and rheumatologists. Several factors explain this development….
Pediatrics David Wilson Gina Allen INTRODUCTION The principal advantages of ultrasound in the examination of children are that it is noninvasive, does not use ionizing radiation, and can be used…
Introduction Ian Beggs INTRODUCTION Ultrasound is important for diagnosis and treatment in a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and requires a firm grasp of anatomy, technique, and pathology. Ultrasound and…
Foot, Ankle, and Calf
Foot, Ankle, and Calf Thomas H. Berquist Protocols Key Facts Routine radiographs Ankle: anteroposterior (AP), lateral, mortise view Foot: standing AP, standing lateral, oblique (Certain patients may not be able…
Musculoskeletal Neoplasms
Musculoskeletal Neoplasms Thomas H. Berquist Mark J. Kransdorf Bone Tumors/Tumorlike Conditions: Imaging Approaches Key Facts Imaging studies are essential for detecting, characterizing, and staging bone lesions. Radiographs, computed tomography (CT),…