Bone Metastases

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Bone Metastases

Bone Metastases Updated by Delnora L. Erickson and Bronwyn R. Stall BACKGROUND What are the top 3 sites of metastatic Dz? Top 3 sites of metastatic Dz: 1. Lung 2….

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Brain Metastases

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Brain Metastases

Brain Metastases Updated by Jason D. Kehrer and Bronwyn R. Stall BACKGROUND What is the most common intracranial tumor? Brain met is the most common intracranial tumor (outnumber primary brain…

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Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Melanoma

Melanoma Updated by Anna O. Likhacheva BACKGROUND What is the incidence of melanoma in the U.S.? ~75,000 cases/yr of melanoma in the U.S. (and rising) What are some risk factors…

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