Perfusion Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Abdomen and Pelvis

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Perfusion Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Abdomen and Pelvis

Chapter Outline Basic Principles Perfusion Computed Tomography Technical Principles Protocol Postprocessing Clinical Applications Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technical Principles Protocol Data Analysis Clinical Applications Summary Perfusion imaging is an exciting…

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Computed Tomography of the Solid Abdominal Organs

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Computed Tomography of the Solid Abdominal Organs

Chapter Outline Historical Perspective Creating the Computed Tomography Image Data Acquisition Image Reconstruction Image Display Helical Computed Tomography Multidetector Computed Tomography Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Dosimetry and Dose Reduction Intravenous Contrast…

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Polyposis Syndromes

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Polyposis Syndromes

Chapter Outline Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Syndrome Colonic Manifestations Extracolonic Gastrointestinal Manifestations Extraintestinal Manifestations Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome (Cowden Disease) Juvenile Polyposis Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome The…

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Computed Tomography Colonography

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Computed Tomography Colonography

Chapter Outline Technical Components Bowel Preparation Colonic Distention Image Acquisition Alternative Protocols Interpretation Detection Characterization Polyp Differential Reporting CTC Trial Results Indications and Use Screening for Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Indications…

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Magnetic Resonance Colonography

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Magnetic Resonance Colonography

Chapter Outline Prerequisites and Examination Guidelines Data Analysis Indications Accuracy and Clinical Experience Patient Acceptance Colonoscopy remains the first and, in most cases, the sole investigation for detection and prevention…

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Other Inflammatory Conditions of the Colon

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Other Inflammatory Conditions of the Colon

Chapter Outline Bacterial Infections Salmonellosis Shigellosis Campylobacteriosis Yersinia Enterocolitis Colitis Caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7 Tuberculosis Actinomycosis Viral Infections Parasitic Infections Anisakiasis Amebiasis Schistosomiasis Strongyloidiasis Trichuriasis Fungal Infections Histoplasmosis Mucormycosis…

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Inflammatory Disorders of the Small Bowel Other Than Crohn’s Disease

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Inflammatory Disorders of the Small Bowel Other Than Crohn’s Disease

Chapter Outline Small Intestine as an Immunologic Organ Parasitic Infestations Ascariasis Hookworm Infestation (Ancylostomiasis) Strongyloidiasis Anisakiasis Tapeworm (Cestode) Infestation Trematode (Flukes) Infestation Giardiasis Trypanosomiasis Bacterial Infections Tuberculosis Yersiniosis Salmonellosis Campylobacteriosis…

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Colon: Differential Diagnosis

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Colon: Differential Diagnosis

Chapter Outline Table 64-1. Multiple Colonic Filling Defects Table 64-2. Solitary Colonic Filling Defects Table 64-3. Mosaic-Submucosal Edema Pattern Table 64-4. Segmental Colonic Narrowing Table 64-5. Annular “Apple-Core” Colonic Lesion…

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Postoperative Small Bowel

Jun 23, 2019 by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING Comments Off on Postoperative Small Bowel

Chapter Outline Small Bowel After Gastric Surgery Afferent Loop Obstruction Enterectomy and Anastomosis Postoperative Blind Pouch and Loop Enterostomy Jejunostomy Ileostomy Ileal Reservoirs Continent Ileostomy Reservoir Ileoanal Pouches Small Bowel…

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