Oncology: Neuroblastoma
Fig. 13.1 (a, b) Ultrasonographic images detect a large, oval, “comma”-shaped suprarenal mass showing an echoic fine nonhomogeneous pattern; neither calcifications nor necrotic areas are seen within the lesion. Diameters…
Fig. 13.1 (a, b) Ultrasonographic images detect a large, oval, “comma”-shaped suprarenal mass showing an echoic fine nonhomogeneous pattern; neither calcifications nor necrotic areas are seen within the lesion. Diameters…
Fig. 21.1 (a–c) Three-phase bone scintigraphy: Phase I (a) showed symmetric flow in the shoulders; in phase II (early phase, b, left image), a mild radiotracer uptake was evident in…
Fig. 16.1 Scintigraphy is performed using seriated images (at 5′, 15′, 30′, 45′, and 60′ after the intravenous administration of Tc99m pertechnetate) in anterior view, with the child in supine…
99mTc-BRIDA (mins) Hepatic Tmax 12 Hepatic T ½ 15–20 Principal bile duct visualization 5–20 Gallbladder visualization 10–40 Tracer appearing in the bowel 15–45 19.2 Teaching Cases 19.2.1 Case 19.1…
Fig. 6.1 (a, b) The qualitative analysis of basic dynamic study reveals an intense concentration of tracer in the renal parenchyma and rapid washout of both kidneys (a). Renogram curves…
Fig. 15.1 (a, b) Scintigraphic study is performed after oral liquid meal administration revealing a progressive gastric emptying without gastroesophageal reflux. Time/activity curves corresponding to stomach and esophagus allow to…
Etiology Incidence (%) US findings Diagnostic exams Transient hydronephrosis 50–70 Isolated hydronephrosis (mild) US UPJO 10–30 Isolated hydronephrosis (DAP >15 mm) MAG3 VUR 10–40 Intermittent hydronephrosis, ureteric dilatation, small kidney…
Fig. 8.1 (60 s uptake image, posterior view, LPO view, and RPO view): both kidneys show good uptake of radiotracer, with homogeneous intraparenchymal distribution; no cortical defects are evident in…
Fig. 23.1 (a–b) A 12-year-old boy affected by papillary thyroid carcinoma (pT3 pN0 pMx). After total thyroidectomy, diagnostic 123I WBS shows radioiodine uptake in thyroid remnants (a). After RAI assessment,…
Fig. 17.1 (a, b) By qualitative imaging and time/activity curves evaluation, a normal swallowing is observed with a regular passage of the radioactive bolus through the esophagus. No evidence of…