Fig. 32.2 (A) Axial T2WI and (B) Axial enhanced T1WI (two-year follow-up) through the level of the lateral ventricles. Fig. 32.3 (A) Axial T2* (MPGR), and (B) Axial T1WI postgadolinium…
Fig. 68.2 (A–B) Axial DWI through the same level. Fig. 68.3 (A–B) Axial ADC maps through the same level. Fig. 68.4 Axial postcontrast T1WI at the level of interpeduncular and…
Fig. 99.2 Midsagittal T1WI of the head. Fig. 99.3 Axial T2WI of the head at the level of third and lateral ventricles. Fig. 99.4 (A) DWI and (B) ADC images…
Fig. 120.2 Axial FLAIR image through the body of lateral ventricles. Fig. 120.3 Midsagittal T1WI through the corpus callosum. Fig. 120.4 Photograph of the abdominal wall showing hyperpigmented skin lesions….
Fig. 128.2 (A–B) T2WI and 3D-CISS images in midsagittal plane through the sagittal sinus. Fig. 128.3 Axial source image of CE-MRV through the dorsal superior sagittal sinus. Fig. 128.4 CE-MRV…
Fig. 100.1 Axial CT image at the level of lateral ventricles, sylvian fissure, and insular cortex. Fig. 100.2 (A) Axial T2WI and (B) Axial FLAIR images at the level of…
Fig. 106.2 (A) Axial T1WI postgadolinium and (B) Sagittal T1WI postgadolinium through the level of the pineal region. Fig. 106.3 (A) Sagittal T2WI, (B) Sagittal T1WI postgadolinium with fat suppression,…
Fig. 41.2 (A–C) Axial T1WI postgadolinium images through the level of the lateral ventricles. Fig. 41.3 (A–B) Sagittal T1WI postgadolinium images through the level of the tentorium and the right…