MRI of Glenohumeral Instability
FIGURE 4.43 This partial articular tear with intratendinous extension (PAINT) lesion is well seen on fat-suppressed T1-weighted (A) coronal and (B) abduction and external rotation images obtained from an…
FIGURE 4.43 This partial articular tear with intratendinous extension (PAINT) lesion is well seen on fat-suppressed T1-weighted (A) coronal and (B) abduction and external rotation images obtained from an…
FIGURE 6.1 Oblique MRI of the long head biceps tendon. Intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed MR image oriented along the course of the long head of the biceps profiles the proximal attachment…
FIGURE 19.24 de Quervain’s disease. T2-weighted fat-suppressed coronal MR image (A) shows fluid distending the first extensor compartment (arrowheads) with synovial irregularity. Sequential T2*-weighted axial MR images from proximal…
FIGURE 12.31 Type II coronoid fracture. Proton density-weighted sagittal MR image through the elbow show a coronoid fracture that involves less than 50% of the coronoid process (arrow) with…
FIGURE 14.7 Eaton Stage III basal joint arthritis. Ulnar Impaction Syndromes History and Examination Ulnar-sided wrist pain in the absence of trauma may result from degeneration of the…
FIGURE 9.3 On the medial side of the elbow, the medial epicondyle of the distal humerus is the most prominent bony landmark. It is the origin of the ulnar…
FIGURE 5.35 Glenolabral articular disruption (GLAD) lesion. A: Diagram and (B) axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image from an arthrogram shows an anterior–inferior labral tear with an adjacent cartilage defect…
FIGURE 13.35 Synovial cyst. T2-weighted fat-suppressed A: axial and B: coronal MR images show a polylobulated mass with high signal intensity with a linear component (arrowhead) that extends to…
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