The Physics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Fig. 4.1 The electromagnetic spectrum is illustrated. Therapeutic X-ray or ionizing radiation is in the energy range of 105 eV and higher. The energy of photon beams commonly used in…
Fig. 4.1 The electromagnetic spectrum is illustrated. Therapeutic X-ray or ionizing radiation is in the energy range of 105 eV and higher. The energy of photon beams commonly used in…
Fig. 5.1 Hypoxic regions (black) indicated by pimonidazole staining are present even in small tumors. Imaged here is a section of a small tumor derived from a human glioma xenograft…
Fig. 6.1 The basic steps in SRS treatment planning Stereotactic Localization Because SRS involves the delivery of a very high dose of radiation in either a single delivery or a…
Tumor size SRS (%) SRT (%) Total (%) Decreased 22 (34.9) 24 (33.3) 46 (34.1) No change 36 (57.1) 46 (63.8) 82 (60.7) Increased 5 (7.9) 2 (2.7) 7 (5.2)…
Fig. 62.1 (a) Example of invasive eye fixation by applying two sutures in the rectus muscles and attaching these sutures to the Leksell stereotactic frame. (b) Example of noninvasive eye…
Fig. 25.1 Graph illustrating the effect of fractionation on the cell survival of tumor cells (A) as well as normal cells (B). Since normal cells have intact repair mechanisms, whereas…
1. Introduction to facility Date: Initial: a. Physical layout b. Supply areas c. Location of offices d. Location of hospital and unit manuals e. Medication stock and narcotics f. ECG,…
Fig. 7.1 The original model U GK unit as installed in the USA in the late 1980s. (a) The side view of the unit and couch; (b) the helmet collimator…
Fig. 31.1 Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI scan showing a large cystic craniopharyngioma Fig. 31.2 On last follow-up 1 year after Gamma knife radiosurgery for residual tumor, the patient remains stable…
Fig. 47.1 Treatment algorithm for intracranial AVMs As an alternative to surgical resection, SRS has been shown to be a safe and effective method to manage patients with cerebral AVMs….