Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound
Figure 7.1 Transverse aorta: The normal aorta in transverse will be a circular structure with hyperechoic walls and a hypoechoic center (A), usually located directly anterior to the vertebral body…
Figure 7.1 Transverse aorta: The normal aorta in transverse will be a circular structure with hyperechoic walls and a hypoechoic center (A), usually located directly anterior to the vertebral body…
Figure 16.1 Patient position. Lean the patient’s head back and apply a copious amount of gel on top of a closed eyelid Figure 16.2 Normal ocular ultrasound. A normal eye…
Figure 4.1 A-lines: Normal lung findings include horizontal A-lines (arrows) throughout the lung caused by reverberation artifact from the pleural line Figure 4.2 B-lines: B-lines extend from the pleural line…
Figure 15.1 Water bath positioning. To facilitate visualization of small parts, have the patient place the affected area in a container of water, and hover the probe over the area…
Figure. 10.1 Appendicitis. Acute appendicitis, as identified in this image, can be identified as an aperistaltic, noncompressible, blind-ended tubular structure Figure 10.2 Appendicitis with diameter measuring >6 mm. A diameter…
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Graves’ disease Silent thyroiditis Postpartum thyroiditis Subacute thyroiditis Suppurative thyroiditis Drug-induced thyroiditis Iodine deficiency Fig. 16.1 Diffuse thyroid enlargement . Thickened AP dimension of the isthmus (1.1 cm)…
Fig. 25.1 Early planar Sestamibi scan in a patient with Graves’ disease treated with RAI. Notice absence of uptake in the left thyroid lobe and positive uptake in the right…
Fig. 23.1 Ultrasound of a midline suprahyoid lobulated cyst, measuring 2 cm, consistent with a thyroglossal duct cyst Fig. 23.2 A young man presented with recurrent episodes of infection in…
Fig. 5.1 As sound energy moves through a medium, it causes compression and rarefaction of the molecules comprising the medium as depicted by the line drawing. This is expressed mathematically…
Fig. 18.1 (a) Grayscale US . Diffusely enlarged right lobe of the thyroid with a heterogeneous echotexture characteristic of thyroiditis. (b) Power Doppler US. Diffusely enlarged right lobe of the…