31 Osteopenic Diseases in the Hands
10.1055/b-0034-77639 31 Osteopenic Diseases in the HandsReutter, N., Heuck, A., Metz, V. Other than focal osteoporosis induced by inactivity or specific diseases of the hand, a number of systemic diseases…
10.1055/b-0034-77639 31 Osteopenic Diseases in the HandsReutter, N., Heuck, A., Metz, V. Other than focal osteoporosis induced by inactivity or specific diseases of the hand, a number of systemic diseases…
10.1055/b-0034-77632 27 OsteoarthritisStäbler,, A., Schmitt, R., Krimmer, H. Osteoarthritis can be induced by increased force on a normal joint or normal force on an abnormal joint (posttraumatic malalignment, chondropathy and/or…
10.1055/b-0034-77634 28 EnthesopathyReutter, N., Spindler-Thiele, S. Enthesopathy is a pathologic process at the bony attachments of ligaments, tendons and joint capsules. Fibro-ostosis arising from degenerative, endocrine, or metabolic processes must…
10.1055/b-0034-77642 32 Algodystrophy (Reflex Dystrophy, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I)Reutter, N., Spitz, J. The algodystrophy symptom complex describes a posttraumatic complication of multifactorial etiology that can lead to complete…
10.1055/b-0034-77614 18 Lesions in the Ulnocarpal Compartment Schmitt, R., Christopoulos, G., Krimmer, H. When the distal radioulnar joint is unstable and there are complaints concerning the ulnar side of the…
10.1055/b-0034-77612 17 Trauma of the Distal ForearmPrommersberger, K.J., Fröhner, S., van Schoonhoven, J., Schmitt, R. Basic diagnostic imaging of fractures and dislocations of the forearm near the wrist-whether acute or…
10.1055/b-0034-77623 23 Carpal InstabilitySchmitt, R., Staebler, A., Krimmer, H. The historical term carpal instability means a derangement of the carpal joints with malalignment of the carpal elements in relation to…
10.1055/b-0034-77630 26 Fractures and Dislocations of the FingersHahn, P. Schmitt, R. Reutter, N. Among fractures of the fingers, extra-articular and intra-articular forms are differentiated, as well as avulsion fractures. Tension…
10.1055/b-0034-77616 19 Fractures of the ScaphoidSchmitt, R., Krimmer, H., Spitz, J. Fractures of the scaphoid are often not detected radio-graphically on the day of the accident and, therefore, requires particularly…
10.1055/b-0034-77622 22 Carpal Dislocations and Fracture-DislocationsStaebler, A., Schmitt, R., Krimmer, H. Carpal dislocations can involve one or more carpal bones and are often combined with fractures. They are classified as…