Imaging of Genitourinary Emergencies
Fig. 7.1 Obstructing left UVJ stone in a 71-year-old male with elevated creatinine and hydronephrosis. (a) Scout view demonstrates a coarse calcification in the left pelvis corresponding to a left…
Fig. 7.1 Obstructing left UVJ stone in a 71-year-old male with elevated creatinine and hydronephrosis. (a) Scout view demonstrates a coarse calcification in the left pelvis corresponding to a left…
Fig. 13.1 Corpus luteal cyst. (a) Sagittal grayscale transabdominal ultrasound image of the pelvis demonstrates a large, cystic lesion (arrow) with relatively homogeneous internal echogenicity and posterior acoustic enhancement. (b)…
Fig. 8.1 Testicular anatomy. (a) Schematic diagram demonstrates normal testicular anatomy. (b) Hydrocele: schematic diagram demonstrates fluid between tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis Fig. 8.2 Hydrocele and pyocele. (a) Hydrocele:…
Fig. 12.1 Normal pregnancy. (a) Intradecidual sac sign: ultrasound demonstrating a 4-week gestational sac in thickened endometrium, without any identifiable yolk sac or embryo. (b) Double decidual sac sign: ultrasound…
Degenerative (most common) Inflammatory (5–10 % of all) Mycotic Syndromes: Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Vasculitis: Takayasu’s disease, Behcet’s disease Traumatic Other less frequent etiologies of AAA include mycotic aneurysm, which…
Fig. 5.1 Radiographic findings of small bowel obstruction. (a and b) Upright plain radiograph of the abdomen demonstrates dilated small bowel loops with differential air-fluid levels in a patient with…
(1) Department of Radiology, John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL, USA Miliary Nodules Centrilobular Nodules Tree-in-Bud Sign Centrilobular Low Attenuation Panlobular Abnormalities Lobular Ground-Glass Opacity…
(1) Department of Radiology, John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL, USA Esophageal Lesions Mechanical Obstruction Candida Esophagitis Malignancies Non-malignant Bowel Lesions Mechanical Bowel Obstruction Closed-Loop…
(1) Department of Radiology, John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL, USA Biliary System Biliary Stones Hyperplastic Cholecystosis Biliary Gas Cholangitis Biliary Papillomatosis Choledochal Cyst Biliary…