Fig. 112.2 (A) Axial T2WI and (B) MPGR-T2* through the temporal lobes. Fig. 112.3 (A–C) Coronal T1 postcontrast dynamic images through the level of the right temporal lobe. Fig. 112.4…
Fig. 130.2 (A) Sagittal volumetric FLAIR and (B) Contrast-enhanced T1WI through the level of the lateral ventricles. Fig. 130.3 (A) Axial and (B) Sagittal 3D-volumetric, FLAIR reconstructions through the level…
Fig. 121.2 (A–C) Axial T1-MTC images through the level of the basal ganglia and lateral ventricles. Fig. 121.3 (A–B) Axial T1 postcontrast MR images through the level of the basal…
Fig. 110.2 (A–B) Axial T2WI through the frontal lobe. Fig. 110.3 (A–B) Axial FLAIR through the frontal lobe. Fig. 110.4 Axial GRE-T2* WI sequence through the lateral ventricles. Fig. 110.5…
Fig. 107.2 (A) Axial T1WI and (B–C) Axial T1WI postgadolinium through the fourth ventricle. Fig. 107.3 (A–C) Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1WI with fat suppression through the spinal canal. Fig. 107.4 Coronal…
Fig. 115.2 (A–B) Axial DWI through the suprasellar region. Fig. 115.3 (A–B) Sagittal T2WI through the midline. Fig. 115.4 (A–B) Coronal T2WI at the level of the third ventricle. Fig….
Fig. 108.2 (A) Axial MPGR-T2* and (B) Axial DWI and (C) ADC images through the level of the atrium of the lateral ventricle. Fig. 108.3 (A) Axial non-contrast T1-weighted and…
Fig. 111.2 (A) Axial 3D-CISS through the right frontal operculum, (B) through the left middle frontal gyrus, and (C) through the left superior frontal gyrus. Fig. 111.3 (A) Axial contrast-enhanced…
Fig. 136.1 Axial postcontrast T1WI through the posterior fossa at the level of cerebellopontine angle cisterns. Fig. 136.2 Axial T2WI through the posterior fossa at the level of cerebellopontine angle…
Fig. 79.2 (A–B) Sagittal T2WI of the cervical spine through the midline. Fig. 79.3 (A–D) Axial T2WI through the cervical spinal cord. Subacute Combined Degeneration with Optic Tract Involvement Primary…