Fig. 73.1 Midsagittal T1WI showing the corpus callosum. Fig. 73.2 (A) Axial T2WI and (B) FLAIR images at the level of lateral ventricles and splenium of corpus callosum. Fig. 73.3…
Fig. 91.2 Axial T2WI through the posterior fossa at the level of pons and cerebellar hemispheres. Fig. 91.3 Right parasagittal T1WI through the right cerebellar hemisphere. Fig. 91.4 Right parasagittal…
Fig. 34.1 Axial postcontrast T1WI through the level of the basal ganglia. Fig. 34.2 (A) Axial DWI and (B) ADC map through the level of the basal ganglia. Fig. 34.3…
Fig. 70.1 Axial T2W image at the level of lateral ventricles and corona radiata. Fig. 70.2 (A–B) Axial FLAIR images at the level of lateral ventricles and corona radiata. (C)…
Fig. 85.1 Axial non-contrast CT scan through the lesion. Fig. 85.2 Axial T1WI through the lesion. Fig. 85.3 Axial FLAIR image through the lesion. Fig. 85.4 Axial GRE through the…
Fig. 19.1 Axial T2WI at the level of lateral ventricles. Fig. 19.2 Axial FLAIR image at the level of lateral ventricles. Fig. 19.3 Axial T2WI of the posterior fossa at…
Fig. 27.2 (A) Coronal FLAIR images at the level of frontal horns, anterior temporal lobes, and (B) body of lateral ventricles. Fig. 27.3 (A) Axial GRE images at the level…
Fig. 104.2 (A) Axial DWI image through the level of the midbrain. (B) ADC map through the level of the midbrain. Fig. 104.3 Axial postcontrast TWI through the level of…
Fig. 20.2 Midsagittal T1WI of the brain through the corpus callosum and pons. Fig. 20.3 Coronal T2WI of the brain through superior cerebellar peduncles. Fig. 20.4 (A) Axial T1WI of…
Fig. 103.1 Sagittal precontrast T1WI sequence. Fig. 103.2 Axial T2WI through the lesion. Fig. 103.3 Axial GRE image through the lesion. Fig. 103.4 ADC map through the lesion. Fig. 103.5…