Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein and Atherogenesis
Fig. 12.1 Sudan red stained aorta (left) of hyperlipidemic rabbit compared to radiograph of same after injection of 90 μCi 125I-MDA2 (right) (Reproduced with kind permission of Springer Science +…
Fig. 12.1 Sudan red stained aorta (left) of hyperlipidemic rabbit compared to radiograph of same after injection of 90 μCi 125I-MDA2 (right) (Reproduced with kind permission of Springer Science +…
Fig. 1 A schematic visualization of the tympanic cavity as a box after removal of the posterior wall with tympanic membrane (1) and malleus (2) on the lateral wall, incus (3),…
Fig. 1 Cone-Beam CT—double-oblique reformatted images. a On axial images, the incudostapedial axis is angulated 15–25° posteriorly with regard to the coronal plane. Images must be reformatted along this line, passing…
Fig. 1 A 3-month-old girl with a deaf right ear caused by a congenital cytomegalovirus infection. a Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MR image shows a hyperintense basal turn of the right cochlea…
Fig. 1 9-year-old child showing microtia on left side. a, b Coronal CT-images. The right external auditory canal appears normal, while on the left side it is narrowed and has a…
Fig. 1 Tympanostomy tubes. a Relationship of a plastic grommet to a 10 cent euro coin. b Axial CBCT image and c coronal reformatted image of the right ear shows a…
Fig. 1 Pöschl’s Plane. Single Oblique Reconstruction in the Plane of the Superior Semicircular Canal (SSC) (Short Axis of the Temporal Bone). a Axial reference image demonstrating plane of reconstruction (white…
Fig. 1 Normal asymmetry of the jugular foramen. a CT bone window. The right jugular foramen (large arrow) is larger than the left (small arrow, due to the asymmetry of the…
Fig. 1 A 41-year-old-female investigated for conductive hearing loss on the left side. At otoscopy, an intact tympanic membrane was found with suspicion of a whitisch lesion behind it. b1000 HASTE…
Pseudo lesions Vascular anatomical variants Tumors with rich vascularity Acquired vascular lesions Vascularized chronic inflammation tissue Vascular malformations Vascular anatomical variants frequently are not associated with symptoms. 2 Imaging Strategy…