Doppler Sonography of the Spleen
Fig. 7.1 Normal anatomy of the coeliac trunk and its branches. The transverse section through the upper abdomen shows the aorta, coeliac trunk and its main branches, the hepatic and…
Fig. 7.1 Normal anatomy of the coeliac trunk and its branches. The transverse section through the upper abdomen shows the aorta, coeliac trunk and its main branches, the hepatic and…
Abdominal aorta Coeliac trunk Common hepatic artery Splenic artery Superior mesenteric artery Renal artery Segmental arteries Interlobar arteries Interlobular arteries Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery External iliac artery Table…
Fig. 1.1 (Left) Generation and propagation of sound waves. (Centre) Shortening of sound waves caused by an approaching acoustic source. (Right) Prolongation of sound waves when the acoustic source is…
Fig. 3.1 The arterial circle of Willis and the vertebrobasilar arterial system. The ophthalmic artery (OA) originates from the internal carotid artery in the cerebral segment. The internal carotid artery…
Fig. 14.1 Typical flow patterns in peripheral arteries. (a) Laminar flow in an arterial vessel. In small vessels, blood behaves like a Newton fluid (no internal friction); therefore, the velocity…
Fig. 11.1 (a) Pathologic anatomic specimen of a premature born infant. The image shows the large size of the normal adrenal gland in comparison with the kidney with normal renculation….
Fig. 8.1 (a) A 15-year-old girl with symptoms of angina abdominalis. US investigation 3 years after resection and radiation of a rhabdomyosarcoma in the retroperitoneum between the coeliac trunk and…
Fig. 12.1 The normal ovarian blood supply. (a) Vascular supply of the ovary by the ascending branch of the uterine artery, the adnexal and tubal branches of the uterine artery…
Fig. 9.1 PFC-in-water, PFC-in-oil-in-water and oil-in-PFC-in-water emulsions under the microscope PFC liquids are known for their use in medicine due to their biocompatibility and inertness (Biro et al. 1987). PFC…
particle velocity v and acoustic pressure P is: (21.1) The intensity is proportional to the square of the acoustic pressure: (21.2)where |p r |2 is the absolute acoustic peak rarefractional…